Youth program
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Анастасия Гордейчик
- Hello! My name is Anastasia Gordeychik. I’m a representative on YouTube channel “Better than yesterday”. I want to introduce you to my youth program. Every day, my colleagues and me carry out online broadcasts, on YouTube. And each time we discuss different topics related to world problems. On such broadcasts, we sincerely ask for donate money for charity projects. All donations go to those funds, about which we talk on broadcasts. We are very famous in the Internet. A lot of people have already helped the world. Also, I conduct classroom hours for teenagers, on the first week we discussed the topic of loneliness. It was interactive lesson. Me and my colleague changed clothes and made prosthetic make up. Children watched, how people reacted on homeless person and old woman. People were indifferent. And a lot of teenagers saw themselves as indifferent people. A lot of students complain about school. And on second lesson I told them about one school in Rio de Janeiro. There, students have not got student’s books or time table. They eat just 1 time per day. Due to poverty teenagers steal, shine shoes. The roof was dripping rain. Ooooh! terrible conditions there. The third classroom hour was also interactive. We went to the Glastonbury festival. There, students saw unusual culture. Enjoyed performing arts, listened awesome music. Also at the end of the festival. Our group recycled waste and helped others. Ed Stanford visited our classroom hour. And he taught children to be purposeful like him. He was the first person who walked the entire length of the Amazon river. After the story, he showed, how donate money. Also on the other classroom hour we spoke about resources, and one student asked me about resources in space. It was interesting question, because a lot of scientists proved, that there are plenty of resources in Universe. Just need to colonize other planets and satellites. In fifth time we discussed problems with ecology. For example, air pollutions, deforestation, waste. This is all the fault of mankind. We need to recycle trash, don’t cot down trees, on factories must stay special filters. And last, but not least classroom hour was about VITA. VITA-animal rights center in Russia. We went to this center and spoke with workers. Also, 3 students with parents took pets from the shelter.
I think that my program helped students to understand world problems. And a lot of them donated money for different funds. Join us and we would make world better than yesterday.
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