
Сообщения за февраль, 2019

Final topic 5

Speaking about life experiences. All people have life experience. And now I want to tell more about it. BLUSH Your body releases adrenalin which increases the blood flow to your face. You only blush when you become aware of other people's thoughts and feelings. HICCUP We get hiccups when something irritates the diaphragm. When we eat or drink too. SNEEZING When something such as dust, a message goes to the brain.SNORE When you are asleep and air can't move freely through your mouth or nose, parts of your mouth and throat vibrate and cause snoring. YAWN Theory is that when you're tred or bored you don't breathe as deeply as usual, so yawning helps you to take more oxygen into the blood. COUGH A cough is a push iportant to way clearing your arways throat and lungs of infection. Second is national party The sun is wonderful.n Russia, people honour the sun on Midsummer Day, or Ivan Kupala.They dance around bonfire and jum and fun holiday filled with a variety of rites a...